Make that 21K O_O, follow me in you’re interested in the following:
-Smash Bros
-Dragon Ball Z
-Anime in general
-Video games in general
-Banjo Kazooie & Rareware in general.

2 19

I don't think many people know about this one. It was just a shareware release to Aminet and his website. But it's mad fun if you can get four players together. We used to do a lot of this one, MineRunner (his LodeRunner clone), Gauntlet 2, and Dynablaster or Master Blaster 2. 😎

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I just saw the Shun shower scene after so many years and all I can say is
Thank you @☆💕👏 ⛓

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está sempre criando artes que representam as suas emoções. Saiba mais em seu insta:

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Also, have a scribbled up poster, just getting the idea down.

Bottom up, left to right:
SUDO, Malware, Grid
Root, Defrag, Spider
Casey (OldSUDO), Admin, Loyd

Not pictured:
Shareware (Malware with SUDO's scarf)
Format (OldSUDO with Defrag's knives)

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🐕✨ little conker the squirrel I've been doodling on and off for the past few days lol.
It's been a bit busy but I hope ya guys like it! 🐿✨

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The real ‘fun’ starts soon! *smiles*
by kit-ray-live KIT draw
“Zootopia fanart scene from fanfiction ‘Drive-in movie’ by DemonWriterX”

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i really like his voice, design and he is so cool. but jfc he´s gigantic in the comic

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one empty head plus one empty head equals zero brain

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of all the things that happen in this show, this is what's truly "dangerous"

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90% of the time watching this show is just going "i understand nothing but the explosions are pretty so it's ok"

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