Days 5-8 of
Prompts: Crystal, Vehicle, Cosmic, Warrior
Third batch incoming incoming

15 49

13 - First ever 6*
Sole reason why I even downloaded Arknights and stayed

95 405

Day 11: plastic shark
This shark explored the sea, now it's time to explore the sky. 🦈🎈

37 121

Day 12: Most Recent 6*

21 113

09 Shark vs dolphin. Yes I am late, sorry I busy also with irl stuff.

0 1

Day 12: Most recent 6*

Paradise Lost

2 8

, and taming experience !
Day 11 - Encounter
Day 12 - Crafting


4 12

Hello ulf and others,
I'm Voyager (Voy/Voya for short) do some cosplay, a lot of art, and a lot of streaming.
I'm streaming every day this month doing darktober drawings

1 2

Day 12 - Most recent 6*
I got Phantom twice while trying to roll for Ptilopsis. I still dont know how to feel about that

0 4

Yesterday, Day 11 of THe avenger's design looks sick alright?

1 7

Día 11: Dinosaur/Dinosaurio

Hoy me la pasé hablando con mi psiquiatra sobre el stegosaurus y el porque es mi dinosaurio favorito UwU

5 14