I cannot believe this is what we’re left with until more issues come out 😭 I’m so curious bro i need to know more NOW

0 31

Reminder that Damian doesn’t like his hair to be super short so stop making him bald DC‼️

55 336

Lonely person with no family+ person with a big family that low key annoys him but he loves them anyway is definitely one of the best ship dynamics

2 33

Los pensamientos en mi mente son un enigma -procede a dibujar su ship-

¿Alguien aquí conoce a Colin? ¿Colin Wilkes? ¿Abuse? ¿El mejor amigo de Damian antes de Jon? ¿No? ¿Nadie?

3 20

Tiny puppy and big bro give me life okay

Very fluffy. Good

3 14

I just KNOW this is how he felt and he was mad af about it 😭

3 21