Gonna call this finished before I waste my whole weekend making tweaks nobody will notice : >

Draca is from Tuca and Bertie and everyone should watch it immediately, season two starts June 13 on Adult Swim 💚

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Here's more art from ya'girl "I don't know how Twitter works" Dracarys.

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Short story “Sounds" from DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration ! Featuring 🎨

Shout out to the team✊
Colors by Yours Truly

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Another fanart for but with draca this time! i hope you like it and Happy twerk/birth day!

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Quand Spyro et Dracaufeu fusionnent.


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Rhaenys Velaryon ou Targaryen a Rainha que nunca foi, e Meleys dragão-fêmea chamada Rainha Vermelha.

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jour 2
Salamèche, Reptincel et Dracaufeu

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Concept art officiel du boss de fin du jeu : méga-Giovannysandre, qui aura comme Pokémon un Dracaufeu qui tire des roquettes. J'espère que ça vous plait.

Concept art by

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Jan 16, 2015. By: millori
[50 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Méga-dracaufeu Y ! J'aime tellement le dessin au crayon de couleurs !‹3"

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hi! my name is Alessandra, Im from Nicaragua, graphic designer and comic artist , you can check my work below!

https://t.co/WVSgWntjBw alessandracano59.com

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Rumors say Marvel wants to return to the Last we saw he was a VERY old man. In the comics the was able to make Steve young, but those events led to which introduced us to Would they make the old a villain?🟩

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dracaena doesnt actually like wine

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