With all the new holders I’m missing following so many of you! Let’s change that!

Any pit vipers in the house? 😸😎

5 9

Just grabbed this Pink Panther (Rarity for 1.49 ETH. Overall I have exactly 50 now and didn't sell a single one yet. Neither having plans on selling one in the near future. Loving the community and enjoying the ride to the top! 💯🔥🚀🚀

53 199

Just started my Twitter account, literally off the buzz of . Now let’s see what’s this hype is about😌. Can I get some Felines Fiendz friends please?

45 189

Come join the Tom & Jerry crew…certified great community by

4 8

Where my Sunset Fur Fiendz at we need a trait chat!!

1 6

New daily Volume record ✔️
New biggest sale record ✔️
2.000ETH traded ✔️
4.000 Owners ✔️

Drop your Fiendz in the comments🔥🔥🔥

30 85