Judai just slaps it down like a card 😂

1 10

ah yes Judai's new cheat powers but if he didn't have them everyone would be dying from all these real physical attacks LOL

1 10

quick everybody give us reaction faces all at once!

1 5

also again: he's gorgeous

1 10

Poor Fubuki just had to go through losing one BF without getting to say goodbye and now he's being accused of killing the other one himself... give the poor guy a break!

1 8

I'm here for all these cute frames of Fubuki

0 4

This specific frame is so cute lol... Fubuki sandwiched between Asuka and Manjoume. They care him.... protecc

1 5

u must carry him like baby

1 7

I love my stupid good boy look at him...

1 4


1 9

LOL oh... poor Fubuki but it made me laugh that Judai blocked these supposedly so dangerous feathers with just his duel disk (also awh Manjoume looking back at him 🥺)

1 7

PROTECT BABY.... I love how pro-active Manjoume is at just being a good guy at this point he just no hesitation gets right to it

1 5

(except Judai can make his bc Yubel powers so anything is possible guys) Really though if it's just because of how connected to Fujiwara he was that's kind of cute

1 6

Honest looks ridiculous but I kind of love it lol...

1 6

YEAH I DON'T THINK THAT'S A HUMAN LOL... (pretty though)

1 5

The first thing I get to comment on in this ep is how beautiful Fubuki looks here. Gorgeous, stunning

1 6