What a team!
The New Blue Chip in the block!

63 220

One more kitaro +1.
Cannot stop collecting❤️

28 89

There is a lovely wallpaper from Kitaro World.🙈🙈🙈
Original: aNFTResearcher

0 0


Today kicks off 30 DAYS OF GRATITUDE!

We are giving back to the community, EVERYDAY for the next 30 days. If you are a holder, make sure to come say hi in the general chat today at 2:30PM PST/5:30PM EST. <------✨

110 275

Slowly all the Kitaro I had in my carts are getting purchase! Great pickup 😻

2 10

I found a cat in the forest..

Happy to join today.

I heard community is strong.. Are you here

41 149

A few weeks back took NFTwitter by storm.
I invested a lot and am in the project to stay.
The team is consistent, the community is amazing and the art is beautiful.
I have a lot of really rare and many floor ones.
Hard to say which one is my preferred!

55 169

It was idea to go as Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) for this Halloween. I guess I will use an extra spell to go as Ittan Momen (Rollo Cloth yokai) to match. 🎃

5 33

GMeow and Happy Kitaroween to all of you scary but also cuties out there. Show us your best Kitaro Suit!

The IG filters count too! 🎃✨

65 259

# shengmeiweek2022 DAY5のボツ案なんですが、個人的にはお気に入りなので投下
Do you know ゲゲゲの鬼太郎(GeGeGe no Kitaro/Spooky Kitarou)? It's a famous comic in Japan.

20 57

GMEOW everyone 🐈

Today Casper & Tim left the temple to celebrate Halloween with all the 🐈 in the enchanted forest 👻 🎃

19 83

English version♡

🎃This costume is a famous “Yokai” anime in Japan. “GeGeGe no Kitaro”

5 192

What's your favourite yokai from Shigeru Mizuki's Kitaro series? Get 30% off all Mizuki titles from Halloween to Nov 2nd! These yokai have been taken from the Yokai File at the back of each Kitaro book, presented by translator Zack Davisson 👻

6 19

A shoutout to my less ranked . They might be less ranked but just as beautiful as the others. Thats what this project is about, there is not a single Kitaro that looks bad. Love them all. Love the Community. Love the team! Bright future ahead!

30 86

Thankful this weekend for being part of this amazing community. Thank so much for bringing life to my beloved cats and taking care of our community.

23 98