Quarantine is a time to try new hairstyles you’ve always wanted! Jester is braver than most (*cough* Fjord...) man it’s been a minute since I did CR art!

29 149

I propose the Cycad Eco Tree! These trees were abundant during the age of the dinosaurs--symbols of persistence and change! Plus, who doesn't love dinosaurs!?

0 12

I submit this Forest Eco Fern! Ferns are a unique and amazing group of plants, representing new beginnings. They're fragile yet persistent, and who doesn't love a luscious tropical fern!?

0 9

Après plusieurs semaines et une centaine de feuilles peintes grossièrement, voici

"La Corruption"
Huile sur toile, 80x50 cm

Faite pour les cours sur le thème "S'enforester"

8 24

I propose the Tree of Life eco tree! This symbol of an infinite tree appears in many cultures across the ages. To me, it represents interconnection & the constant cycles of renewal in nature: a perfect symbol for a sustainable future!

3 61

Orestes kills Neoptolemus at the altar of Apollo in the shrine of Delphi, as depicted in Euripides’ Andromache. from the west wall of the winter triclinium in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, * Support us via Amazon: https://t.co/NuYmgutB7d *

50 195

Ancient Artefact of the Day: The stunning Lucanian Calyx-krater, ca. 400 BC, likely directly depicting the final scene of Euripdes' 'Medea'. The other side of the vase shows Telephos holding the baby Orestes, again a Euripidean scene.

Image: Cleveland Museum of Art 1991.1

28 90

Some fjorester? A little fjorester?

34 314

Just blessing your tl with Orestes

18 81

oh no mr. forester please don’t arrest me,,, hahaha,,,,,

9 52

E sorgerà un nuovo giorno
Per coloro che resistono a lungo
E le foreste echeggeranno dalle risate
Se c'è un trambusto nella tua siepe
Non essere allarmato ora
È solo una primavera pulita per la regina di maggio

3 7

My new novel — Necropolis Immortal — coming soon!

“A hundred thousand years ago, immortals fell by the tens of thousands, the path of cultivation itself was severed & tombs forested the world after the dust settled.

Lu Yun, commandant of tomb raiders, descends upon this world!”

7 68

Fjord and Jester Escorting Marion back from the party! A lovely moment from last episode....heh

18 70

Smoochies smoochies...
Sorry, I don't have a better title for this 😅
It's not precise or clean, but I had fun painting it...
Let me know what you think! Comments are most appreciated

38 198

These two are friends and work together.
It's also the first time I drew the foresters species

0 3

t r i o (2020) by A. Weinstein

taken with an old Meyer-Optik Görlitz Orestegon 29mm f/2,8

2 16

Adoro los incorrects que haces

Aproveche que el diálogo encajaba con el AU de

Pd: Adoro el AU 💕💕


3 41