Congrats to SV donghua!!! Doodled some sqqs

264 855

click to view... my attempt of from in the Sekiranun Graffiti outfit u_u

2 4

Happy Shen Jiu 9/9 day shizun! I love all of your scummy sexy self ❤️

375 949

Пробую себя в новом покрасе.Кажется я нашла стиль, который больше мне подходит

1 5

lil shencest fanart for from their fic perfectionist complex aa _(:3」∠)_

81 333

i finally did qipao!shenjiu :')))

72 256

Also yes, they’re definitely twins

2 25

I have this idea for a while now and only now was I able to make a doodle out of this,, im late on the jar jiu trend but eh xD

11 60

1. why did you keep me waiting

2. why did you come


I know Shen Jiu did literally everything wrong, but I desperately want a world where this asshole gets to be okay with his Qi-ge...


599 1555