SOmeTHing tEars fRoM iNsIde tHe BoX and QuiCklY HiDeS fROm ToM.

IT gLoWs bEHinD tHE bOX.

It LoOkeD lIkE a CreaTuRe fROM tHe QuiCK gliMPsE ToM gOT.

IT hAD InCreDible SpEEd. ITS clAWs and TaiL beCAme MoRE oBviOus.

WhAT was ToM abOut To MeEt?

147 381

A couple examples with currently major-ish OCs
Recent on top, Very First on bottom.
Pando definitely counts, his shirt's symbol and the foliage in his hair are the only real significant changes.
Harriet might count, though I have a feeling the changes aren't quite subtle enough.

0 2

Oki sooo this is the slightly updated commission sheet since i thought the 3rd one at this point made no sense to add XD
So here is this plus the ToS in the bottom.
Sheet deign by @/kateellec and art is done by a dear friend.

6 14


he Was eaRniNg minimUm wAgE And DIDN't hAvE MuCH tO Look FOrWARd To.

hE was DeSPerate fOr A cHANGE.

tom WaS TIRED Of WORKInG FOR mCdONAlds, ANd DeciDed tO QuIt thAT day.

this waS THe bEgINNIng of A NEW AdvENTURe FoR tOM.

135 407

thIS is ToM. hE is 23 YEARs OlD ANd LIveD A nOrMAl lIFE. He WoRKED In mCdONalds And LIVed wItH HIs paRentS.

ToM diDN't HAVe a LOT of FrieNdS, evErYone ThoUGHT he LOOKeD oDD ANd WOulD FInD HIM wEIRD.

onE eVeNING, tOm decidEd tO tAKe A DIFfEREnT rouTE FRoM wORK TO GO hOmE...

102 342

While reading River, I noticed that Shadowsight was described as a skinny tom. Did anyone else notice that? It may have been in the Broken Code arc and I just never caught it, but it seems like almost everyone draws Shadowsight as this chunky guy. Art by

0 5

Here is a meme as an apology for my silence.

Yes I can top or bottom. Yes I do like both getting fucked until I can't walk and fucking someone!

5 9

I’m not a bottom. This is just a drawing 😭

0 1

This is Vonnie, and gorgeous cat. We love her. Fast draw request from Tom.

1 12

Rewatching Danny phantom. I love watching the classics and remembering the good ol days, but my goodness I forgot how awesome this show is. I’m obsessed with embers song, and now that I’m an adult and understand the lyrics, man I feel really sorry for her.

3 8

Threeway celebrating the white and purple one's birthday?

Brown one on top, white and purple mid, and full white on bottom.

Thanks for the opportunity ^^

0 2

Cyber Rotom.

“This form of Rotom has infiltrated a computer with a special motor. It can be used to connect to the Internet and browse for information.”

Electric/Normal-type. ⚡️💻💕

0 0


32 257

💪 UPGRADED tzMiniFigs 💪

Level 2's are worth 2 tzMiniFigs for all Giveaway Events & when trading in for a Custom.

tzMiniFigs can reach a Level 5 and are worth 5 cards. And then there's the Gilded! 🤩

Learn More Here --

6 7

Every person that ever climbed to the top of a mountain started at the very bottom. It takes perseverance - few make it quickly & many never make it. started its ascension in December. We’re not stopping until we summit. Job ain’t finished.

23 151

I love this panel. Dragon’s back is just a straight ass ruled line from top to bottom.

0 32

is going to be the leading L2 in Layer 2 Season. will outperform in due season now is the time for scaling solutions.!! Murdered this custom. Bullrunner says “Money on Mind” & to the moon. 🔥🌕#GamestopNFT

25 158

Healer puggo. Big dork, hyper smooth brain bottom. Will simp the man tiddies. Must go brrr.

0 3