Im Wenee and you?... Can I call you mine?////

151 392


30 123

Just some random fanarts I haven't posted in here, yet 😊

If you see this, QRT with your art/fanart and you can tag artist to keep it going!!!

@ artist weneebebes I wanna see yours too!

1 8

I’m just waiting for to drop the Weneegom merch. 👀 Please and thank you

0 2

Hi~ 위니❤️

원호사랑해♥️WENEE Love U forever♥️

91 148

thank you for coming back 🐰
머무르셔서 감사합니다 🐰

43 62

Today’s 2020 tweet is BREAD FOR WORDS: A FREDERICK DOUGLASS STORY by , illlus by Focuses on Douglass’ childhood and determination to learn to read, despite being thwarted many times.

11 9

자랑 타임..?나도 낄래 닼소하고 프렌치프라이 먹는 섀도 봐 줘()

17 67

나도 드림잇다 세렌소닉이랑 아스티&갤럭시소닉

둘다 그냥 친구드림인데 세렌이쪽은 소닉이 세렌이가 자기 조아하는거 알고 세렌이도 그거알고 그냥 붙어다니는느낌(^^♡)

13 48

롸 빌런 첫 캐디 4월 15일이다
거의 한달 차이 나는 거랑 비교샷

8 19


69 117