oh boy! os for starters is... half viera, and even *more* androgynous than i can make him ingame, plus his hair's far more multicolored, aand... peets! .... khor is just way more colorful in general, also way more scaly, and.. also goat legs/hooves!

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joins in for wol serotonin!!!! my meow meow, euphie!

8 41

i haven’t drawn her in a while, so, old art 🥲

9 37

I need to draw more solo pics of Highlander-kun huhu

70 265

somehow she mixes cool and cute perfectly regardless of medium

5 11

Makes me realise I mostly have solo art of Jargal as Dancer or Monk from back then. 🤣
But yeah, there is not much difference to how I like him to get drawn, I mostly give him stronger/more highlights in his hair.
Lineart is from @/Yruslex

8 28

I mostly just have drawings of H'aylan with his Heavensward look lol I do need to make more pics of him. I also draw him with a prosthetic, little ear tufts, and a huge fluffy tail these days!

2 6

making me realize I need to finish more updated art of my darling girl lol

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My (and my girlfriend's) WoL
(the tall one xD)

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I try to draw him pretty game accurate bc i think 🥺🥺 he is very cute 🥺🥺

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The main differences between game-Gaius and art-Gaius are the little forward-facing fluff of hair, which is a cary-over from his previous incarnations' hairstyles. That, and big bold eyebrows, and I tend to flub the hair details.

2 14

Wtf is a tag
the colors and the horns are ALL of from how they are in game cause I first drew her without a reference and it just stuck
shes fuckin PURPLE BABY

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