BMX Simulator was the first ever game I purchased, and I have been buying Codemasters games ever since, Codies games were priced amazingly at £1.99😀

11 35

4 Covers from 1988

Super Dragon Slayer - 1988
Professional Ski Simulator - 1988
Jet Bike Simulator - 1988
Bigfoot - 1988

8 17

Allowing window resizing. Want to feel like you're almost in the room? Or perhaps an Ultima style point of view? Check!

4 34

4 Covers from 1987

Professional Snooker - 1987
Fruit Machine Simulator - 1987
Red Max - 1987
Transmuter - 1987

8 10

Ace of Aces, was not my first Flight Sim, it was one that made me really interested in the genre, you would do bombing runs over Germany and try to return safely

9 28

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 66/100: Ramparts

6 19

Another quality arcade conversion from Bad Dudes or Dragon Ninja, played like a Shinobi game, good fun.

8 20

Can you escape THE TUBE? My latest review looks at this game that combines THREE distinct play styles into one game.


7 35

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 63/100: Prince of Tyndal

8 19

The Bubbler (Ultimate)

Long lost conversion of late Ultimate game, built from recovered sources and released on a while back. Sadly very slow due to the insistence on using the same drawing methods of the version.

5 14

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 59/100: Mini Putt

6 14

What does seeing this loading screen remind you of?

4 12

amazing game, great conversions, one of the best shooters on the micros, what a classic.

14 47

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 58/100: Merlin

8 22

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 57/100: Magic Castle

4 19

Really like this game, it had some amazing characters, really good GFX for the time, a good collecting and platform game.

7 22

Love this game series on the old micros, so good, the GFX and the cool comic book style with the story, they had short intros before the game started

8 34

ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Castles 53/100: Kentilla

6 25