alt shirt idea/ mask idea? simple but gets the point across, i wanna do multiple flag varients

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Fucking clown Delete This o Quieres que te dé un pinche levanton pariente.

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riveroi: este cetáceo era un pariente marino del delfín del Ganges, y vivió en el Mioceno (19 M años aprox) en las costas del actual Perú. Se conoce por un cráneo bien conservado, en el que destaca un largo hocico que se curva ligeramente a la derecha

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A diferencia de sus parientes las serpientes marinas, las tortugas marinas son pocas especies, y TODAS en peligro de exterminio. ¿Quieres conocerlas?. Ya, en Crónicas de "Los marinos (y II). Las tortugas marinas"
Dibujo: Roger Hall

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Well, normally I would be a red varient of a Pokemon when I tf. But why I'm I a shiny bolthound, I don't even know.

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Old varient of a thing I never posted haha

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Been working on a few varients for Generic Space Suit 00
for New Arms and single haded weapons to do, maybe pointing hands or equipment or even off hand close combat weapons?

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And here's Nomad, and his Island Event Skin using his 3 star and the varient.

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Como cuando armé mi team de supervivencia al apocalipsis chombi. Los del otro equipo ya estan chillando por la cuarientena y ni dibujito tienen 👀

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hohoho... so you have the wand... yesss goood. also theres a bamboo varient i use 8D

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Hoy tocó trabajar (obvio desde casa) con filogenias y evolución del cráneo de tordos y sus parientes 🐦

2 13

Should I give sechi green eyes?
Every human varient I make of myself usually has green eyes so it could make it more canonical
Then owl with green eyes 🤔

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Say hello to Riven Twilight. Yes, I premade lewds for male, female and futa varients. Hope you guys can enjoy their inclusion to the cast.

3 19

Took a lot of learning and effort but I have finished this trainervarient of 's OC Jeralyn. Thank you so so much for letting me draw your baby ; u ;

3 16

My favourite thing about comics is the use of colors! That's so pretty!!

Venom varient cover by Derrick Chew

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's DnD varient human Bard Daffodil~ Governor of Outpost Santa Barbara~

another one of 's DnD group~
much inspired by

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Thought ya planet could escape my step, too bad, so sad, now an insole~

One of the sweet variations by

Varient 5/5

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