It's James Bateman was one of the first to advocate for "cool" orchid cultivation, which enabled Odontoglossum orchids to be cultivated in England. Explore his "A monograph of Odontoglossum" (1874) in via ➡️

16 53

My favorite thing about American Psycho is how you could swap Bateman's opening monologue for Kira Yoshikage's peaceful life monologue and no one would be able to tell the difference.

14 52

Tempted to Cosplay Yoshikage Kira from Jojos Bizarre Adventure. Walk around with a little sandwich bag with a fake ladies hand and talking in my best voice.

So should I cosplay Kinky Patrick Bateman?

0 5

Pariston Bateman and Ging... im sorry this is all i have to offer

4 34

"Miss [Sarah Ann] Drake was permitted to prepare the following plate."

James Bateman. 1843. Orchidaceae of Mexico & Guatemala.

5 15

Do you want a code for make a drawing of your character (or you) fighting Checomal with the hastag and the one with more likes this thursday 9th of may will get a code for Steam.

6 13

There are few spaces left in my Adult Nature Sketch class in Victoria BC starting next month. 7 weeks, Thursdays 5:30-8, Beginning 4/25. In the 8th week, display your art at the Bateman Centre! Register now! Details:

1 4

📚✨ A book has to be a true beast to be called "The Librarian's Nightmare," and that's just what James Bateman’s 'The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala' (1843) was known as. It's easily the largest book in our collection, a treasure from the for

6 15

It turns out that a can learn things that a princess cannot. Glen Angus' magical illustrations accompany Teresa Bateman's "Pond Water," in the latest issue of CRICKET Magazine.

0 2

COMPARTILHE: Batemos um papo com a das músicas em português do

4 10

Découvrez les articles de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme illustrés par des auteurs tels qu'Emile Bravo, Sente & Juillard, Delaf & Dubuc, Batem, Verron, Yoann & Vehlmann, mais aussi des auteurs extérieurs tels que Berbérian, Philippe Geluck, Achdé ou Dugomier !

14 22

Meet the artist: Robert Bateman is one of Canada's finest painters. Head to our blog to learn about his art and life, and pick up your copy of Robert Bateman Birds wherever fine books are sold.

2 5

I want moments like this fan art in Rebirth where we see Bruce and Selina enjoying a nice moment as a couple and being just happy. They deserve it


Bruce and Selina by batemeuma

10 41

Fun and cozy colab with the super talented I could write a short essay about how great she is, but I will spare you.

54 115

Obrigado por todos os 900 seguidores, a cada semana batemos uma nova meta com todos vocês comentando, curtindo ou fazendo referência aos nossos posts 😍😍

Em breve chegaremos a 1k

10 36

James Bateman’s The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala ([1837]-1843) is described as the “largest botanical book ever produced with lithographic plates”. Learn more about this beautiful on available in thanks to :

34 89

Batemos a meta! Muitíssimo obrigado a todos que tornaram esse projeto possível! Você ainda pode fazer parte disso: as recompensas ficam disponíveis até às 23:59 de sexta!

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