Dr. Ford has certainly courage. For my last cartoon I got the full range of misogenic hate messages.
So I got a very tiny glimpse of what it takes to testify as a woman in front of a society of that sort.
Chapeau, Dr. Ford.

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Vulnerability doesn't make you weak. Allow yourself by letting people into your world. Allow yourself to make mistakes, allow yourself to cry. Vulnerability doesn't feel like a weakness, it feels like courage.

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My slightly late for “The best protection any woman can have...is courage.”

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Je dessine sur tablette depuis Mars seulement, donc ce que je fais n’est pas extraordinaire, mais je prend beaucoup de plaisir à le faire et il parait que je progresse donc ça m’encourage.
Voici donc ceux dont je me souviens avoir passé le plus d’heures (3 nuits pour le 3eme)

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Today, we witnessed hope. Faith. Courage. Dedication.

12 boys. Their coach. 18 days. Rescuers who gave it all and never gave up. The Wild Boars never gave up.

Undefeated. 13/13. It is over. Confirmed. Welcome home.

1585 2596

Avery Amanodel

Carte: La Force
Signification: Energie, Maîtrise, Domination, Détermination, Courage.

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Humility teaches courage. Weakness teaches strength. And grief teaches love. So you must treasure them, not hate.

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oi oi ! Merci beaucoup c'est super gentil TwT je fais ça, et aussi de l'animation quand j'ai le courage. Encore merci ❤️

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That's when I realized such earthly things as getting out of your comforth zone and do smth you wouldn't dare or litterally scares you as you're not sure what it'll bring into your life, also take courage. Moral? We're all heroes :D

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(He's my favorite....)

I might doodle more BNHA here.... to build my courage...... maybe.... maybe.... ahaaaa 💦💦💦

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“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
~Rainer M Rilke

"Fall of Phaeton"
Gustave Moreau

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Day 4: "Reckless Goblin"
What he lacks in size, he makes up for in courage.

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Happy Spring! (Haha!) This is one of my favorites from my dad’s book, “Courage.”

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“Creativity takes courage.”
This morning was thinking about drawing a whimsical penguin...Well that didn’t happen. Never know what might end up with!

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Bonne matînée à tous,
Il n'y a pas que pour vous que c'est dur ^^

Bon courage.

J'en profite pour marquer l'avancement du strip sur le site :)

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