画質 高画質

A spirit monster who puts in a lot of effort, such as causing the mountains to tremble as an arrogant posture that displays its superior strength.

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A spirit monster with strong boxing methods; its huge hands give it a strong, menacing look that is evocative of a tiger.

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A Pokemon who moves extremely slowly, yet because of its increased body's resistance to injury, it can strike opponents without flinching.

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A Pokémon who can roll, retract its head and limbs within its shell; it can also shock throughout the entire region of a collision.

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A girl is perched on a branch of a tree with a background of orange typographic text and a cluster of brilliant orange leaves.

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A photo of a young girl holding a single flower inside a frame with two butterflies, coupled with reddish orange typographic text and dark orange cursive form.

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A woman is seen in a warm landscape that is covered in leaves that are different shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown.

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A landscape with two individuals and a single tree covered in leaves that are all different warm color schemes, each with a single kanji letter.

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A scene with a sun on the horizon, a group of leaves, hills, and a single kanji letter, as well as different warm color schemes.

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