
【94】『#ジュゼップ』(2020 )



0 4

I'll help put seeds in their pockets. I stand with - do you?
Feel free to take these. Use them. Spread them.

1 14

It is so absolutely terrible what's going on in

1 7

Vodka is for making people smile.

1 1

Was thinking of how can support Ukraine, its people, ,

Any even to give away might seem opportunistic

Let just flood feeds with inspired instead!

7 20

I usually don't political but I cannot stay silent any longer. I heard the news that Ukraine was invaded. I felt sorry for the people of Ukraine and Russia because of Putin lunatic action.

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"La única cosa necesaria para que el mal triunfe, es que los hombres buenos no hagan nada." - Edmund Burke

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“For Ukraine protest”

The Lebanese community will continue to support Ukraine, since they disapproved of Russia against Ukraine.

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