Watercolor 12x18. An eagle tried to catch a chicken on a farm. The dog and the goat fought back and saved the chicken’s life. ( a true story) hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page)

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Beautiful flowers to share with everyone. Watercolor. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram) https://t.co/spYHzvTHhI

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Watercolor. Beautiful flowers to share with everyone. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram) https://t.co/spYHzvTHhI

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Watercolor 12x18. Love to be surrounded by nature. We are from the nature and go back to the nature. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Have a great day!!! hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram) https://t.co/spYHzvTHhI

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Watercolor 12x18. We are one universe with one conscience that is love. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Love to paint human bodies that expresses the most natural and original of life. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Let’s go fishing!!! Let’s make friends with clouds, mountains and rivers. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Let’s dance for time to stop, for space to fade away. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor (FB page) hannahwong59( Instagrams)

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Watercolor 12x18. The dreams with wings take us to a world with joy and peace. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Taiwan has one of the best food in the world. I am very lucky and have tried most of awesome food there. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Let’s fly upon splashing of waves. Let’s fly toward boundless universe. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Love roosters. They are connected to my childhood memory. Every morning I always heard the loud wake up call from roosters when I was a child. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor (FB page)

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Watercolor 12x18. Zen is about to live at this moment and enjoy harmoniously life. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor( FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. Let the boat take us to the deepest inner self. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor (FB page) hannahwong59(instagrams)

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Watercolor 12x18. Have a great day! hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18. How beautiful our planet is! Let’s care and love it. It is our home. hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor(FB page) hannahwong59 (Instagram)

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Watercolor 12x18 The origin of music comes from the nature, the sound of bird chirping , wind blowing, wave splashing..... hannahwong19.com haninwatercolor (FB page) hannahwong59 ( instagrams)

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