i appreciate nge's near future setting w/ far future technologies: AI and advanced biotech, evolutionary accelerationism mixed w/ the aesthetics of techno-industrialism+gritty 1990s modernity-- clunky computer tech, trains, paper instead of digital interfaces, etc.

34 108

reject modernity embrace tradition.

0 4

tradition 🤝 modernity

8 14

reject modernity embrace tradition

3 31

He painted The Railway in 1873. It too met with confusion. On the Beach (1873) & Boating (1874). Railways were still new & the height of modernity. The painting has been interpreted in many ways. Manet painted many boring shipping scenes (I’ve left them out).

0 1

reject modernity embrace tradition

169 965




25 91

THE DARK ONE offers a clash between high fantasy and modernity executed with stylish moxie. Both deadly serious and incredibly fun. The whole team clearly had a blast creating it, and so too will you reading it.

You can pre-order it today.

13 57

Reject tradition, embrace modernity

293 1224

Embrace tradition reject modernity

11 51

Defy tradition
Embrace modernity

0 0

Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition

7 34

Fairies left the woods for modernity. (art by Shannon Maer)

1 4

reject modernity embrace tradition

1 12

Your daily PUNCH colour cover. Flying into the future with Mr Punch. Not sure where Toby is. Love the and sky. By Russell Brockbank 1961.

6 8


2 32

Reject Modernity Embrace Tradition

183 1024

reject modernity, embrace tradition

1 17