I must thank for this. it was a LOT of fun :)
Oga from elf-san wa yaserarenai and Jasper from steven universe having a friendly arm wrestling match.

1 4

Tonari no Totoro
Dir. Hayao Miyazaki
Art Dir. Kazuo Oga

173 522

Takeshi Oga - Gravity Rush

201 452

Kazuo Oga background painting for Spirited Away 千と千尋の神隠し (2001)

59 229

Oga, character from Elf-san wa Yaserarenai, which is a manga made by

36 135

Artist Nelson Oga
Colorist Ay Danny Dante


0 1

Kazuo Oga
일상에서 접하기도 했을 것 같은 아름다운 풍경들. 몇 초만에 지나가는 영화 장면에 이렇게 감성이 넘쳐서는.. 심지어 첫번째 그림은 이웃집 토토로 배경이야..

260 264

✯Request Box✯
o…ogata…oga…ogata…ogata…ogata…og…ogata………… https://t.co/NM1GTOX6Tm

84 167

Tonari no Totoro (Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli - 1988) (ArtD: Kazuo Oga)

495 1312

- Gravity Rush
- By Takeshi Oga

33 64

Mononoke Hime (Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli - 1997) (ArtD: Kazuo Oga, Naoya Tanaka, Nizo Yamamoto, Satoshi Kuroda, Youji Takeshige)

58 167

Kazuo Oga painted backgrounds from Princess Mononoke もののけ姫 (1997)

62 166

Diseños de arte y escenarios de 'Pompoko' (1994), por Kazuo Oga. Belleza inigualable los fondos de las películas de Studio Ghibli.

34 62

Kazuo Oga. Master of backgrounds at He's unreal & otherworldly in his talent to create these divine images

355 1049

Concept and key art from Gravity Rush (Gravity Daze, 2012, SCE Japan Studio) by Takeshi Oga : https://t.co/VDMgHkgtfd

71 198

【土日お絵かき企画】ogaさん よりリクエスト頂きました。

11 59

Kazuo Oga. Background painting for Porco Rosso 紅の豚 (1992)

46 137

Kazuo Oga painted backgrounds for Ghibli movies.

2256 4741