"Hold the flame 'til the dream ignites..."

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Since I'm still too busy with school related things and still desperately trying to find time to continue making new art, Imma just put these here--
comic I made over a year ago (the art style is pretty different from what it is now!!) Enjoy~

Part 1

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Top 10 life hacks in EarthBound Itoi doesn't want you to know!

You can also use a pot of hotsauce on a small or large pizza for better healing! (with a small single healing 80 or more with it while the large can cover the party for 120 or more!)

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「Hot Sauce」ユノver.です。
東京ドームLast dayに間に合ってよかった( ღ´⌣`)ホッ=3

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「Hot Sauce」MVから切り取って描いてみたチャンミンです。

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it's so here are some colored Tarotsaurs. The rest will be up on Patreon soon

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I want all the little TB- chans with the traditional foods 😭😭😭
As an aside, does anyone know why TB-Chan has such a sad face?


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