Politicians? Does splatoon even have a democracy?? Allwell, this is Jackson White and Wade Vaughn. Senator of state and US senator

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I have a vision for equality for ALL. Not just the wealthy, politicians, or even just for Americans, but all of humankind. It wont likely happen in my lifetime, but the idea must start somewhere. We all share one planet, and our grandchildren must survive on it! - Scott Howard

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Print by Pryse Campbell (1727-68) who was one of the first to make caricatures of politicians - his fellow MPs .Here's Lord Chancellor Northington

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In 1938 a startling medical discovery was made when the cadavers of numerous politicians were dissected, revealing they possessed vocal obfuscation glands not found in normal humans.
This mutation allows politicians to constantly broadcast “sound bites” utterly devoid of meaning.

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An ignorant citizen is a danger to all in a democracy. Politicians world over work extra hard to keep their citizens ignorant and disconnected. No wonder they assassinated him!

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For an article in the Río Negro daily of Argentina about Marcus Aurelius and modern politicians.

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Watching Boris Johnson getting confronted about the Brexit lie he put on that bus feels like I'm watching an adult bickering with a toddler.

The more I watch political stuff the more I realise how many more politicians I could draw in high chairs.

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The supposedly pro-teacher politicians in power obviously need re-educating - cartoon by in the Herald about today's teacher mega-strike:

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I am here for old ass racist politicians being like “WE DID BADLY IN THE EU ELECTION BECAUSE OF THOSE CLIMATE FREAKS!!! YOU CARE TOO MUCH!!!” - that, and decent people don’t support the whole ethnic cleansing thing but go off I guess

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The Express Chambers with the decorative faces of the liberal politicians Cobden, Gladstone, and Bright, emphasising the Nottingham Express’s (1860-1918) liberal politics and opposition to the Corn Laws

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Quote from Chief Antonio Guterres "Political will is fading even as the situation worsens".

We need and to step up - politicians won't.

"BBC News - Climate change: Global sea level rise could be bigger than expected"

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Help us queer the election space with , India's FIRST list of LGBTQ+ friendly politicians contesting the Lok Sabha elections. We need queer issues in politics taken seriously - Our fight does not end after

Website: https://t.co/aCyBzcpkRm
Do spread the word!

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The Catalan politicians who let us vote have been in prison for more than 18 months now. Without a sentence. It’s like Spain is laughing at us because they have them and they won’t free them even if they know they violate human rights.

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It's business as usual for US politicians/govt to be in the pocket (or influence) of Saudis as well as weapon sales/secrets. You think touching an orb is weird? Saudis have customs. None are as bad as Hillary's hijab-cowing. Not even Michelle Obama did that. 1976 news cartoon...

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Politicians with vested interests fighting amongst each other amidst the disbelieving public all stirred on by the media. Joe said "fuck brexit"

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We think Nye Bevan, founder of the NHS, is a total legend and one of the wisest politicians that ever lived

RT if you agree

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