I'll draw little based on the colors of the The first color is ❤ Read more 'bout her on my Instagram

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Getting used to drawing felines again. I am so in love with the redesign of rainbow. I cant wait to save up some money to get some art for him.

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Day 10 of my 30 day art challenge! I couldn't really think of anything to draw, so I just drew this Rainbow girl and... here we are lol.

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Absorb the wisdom of the soft spring rain and majestic rain clouds above. Hike though a rainbow. You soar with doves upwards into the clouds to a new appreciation of the infinite scope of your spirit. You hear your inner voice speaking to you in the whisper of the wind..🌧️🌈🕊️🌎

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It was so cool to see different types of fairies in Magic of the Rainbow. I would’ve really enjoyed to see more of them and learn about their unique powers

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❝No way. I've been slammed all week. I tried extra hard to clear my weekend..❞

As she sets about brushing Nega's hair, a soft yawn punctuates her speech.

❝Got places to go. Gotta .. follow my rainbow.❞

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I basically made it my goal to draw the rainbow. I honestly felt that drawing these girls and using these colors helped me feel better and stronger.

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Behold the Legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh in all its glory. It always bothered me that it was described as the rainbow but is only 4 colors so I've subtly tweaked the colors to allow for a full rainbow. I'm pretty pleased with it.

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STRUGGLE FOR PRIDE / いろいろな MAKE A RAINBOW. EPのお取り扱い店になります。宜しくおねがいします。 
disk union
HMV record shop, ONLINE
record shop DIGDIG

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Times are hard, but with every rainstorm comes a rainbow. And if it isn't here yet, make your own and find the thing that makes you happy! 🌈💖

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Hi there, it's
I'm Steffi and I draw realistic and abstract art. So sometimes I draw really dark and creepy stuff, but sometimes my art is as colourful as a rainbow. I also love to combine these styles.

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Milk tea, matcha, and PASTEL RAINBOW.

Not super sold on the brown, but.... if other folks like it I can add it to the lineup? 🤔

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april day 10 & 11: bright colours and monochrome.

i don't often re-work a piece but i liked the idea of the led being able to cycle through all the colours of the rainbow.

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【STRUGGLE FOR PRIDE/いろいろなMAKE A RAINBOW.】CD・紙ジャケット(※数量限定盤の為、ショートした場合はキャンセルさせて頂く場合もございます)「MAKE A RAINBOW」を今里氏と親交の深い3組の音楽家が独自の視点でREMIX!ご予約はお早めに→https://t.co/px0zAZKUvy

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【NEWS】STRUGGLE FOR PRIDE、新作リミックスEP『いろいろなMAKE A RAINBOW.』にtofubeats、Hydro Brain、Slowly参加 https://t.co/9Wn6cLQycH

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が限定生産で5/14にリリースされます!EGO-WRAPPIN’中納良恵さんを迎えたBenny Singsのカバー「MAKE A RAINBOW」を、tofubeats、Hydro Brainさん、SlowlyさんがREMIXしています◎アートワークはWACKWACK!最高🎉!!!

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STRUGGLE FOR PRIDEが、最新REMIX EP『いろいろなMAKE A RAINBOW.』を5/14(木)に限定生産でリリースします。宜しくおねがいします。

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