Maritza's favorite boys, her bf Bayani and her cat Taro 😤💕

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I was hoping to S-support Jeritza in but then you discover he’s not even recruitable in the game. :’)

just in case even though it’s a minor one/doesn’t relate to the plot. :T

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¿¡HOLA?! ¿¡CÓMO HA PODIDO ATINAR TANTO EL TEST?! Perdóname por quedar cuarto mi Lindhart pero cuando salió Jeritza... me pueden los enmascarados 🤣

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Maritza just wants an actually good pic of Vida...
(main characters from my upcoming comic owo)

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Fire Emblem Three Houses character portrait and screenshot of Jeritza.

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LARRUN | Informazio burujabetza: Hedabideen kudeaketa-eredu neoliberalaren aurkako prozesua

Nork mugitzen du iristen zaigun informazioaren parte handiena? Zer rol bete dezake kazetaritza independenteak?


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ERREPORTAJEA | Informazio burujabetza: Hedabideen kudeaketa-eredu neoliberalaren aurkako prozesua

Nork mugitzen du iristen zaigun informazioaren parte handiena? Zer rol jokatzen dute hedabide hegemonikoek? Zer rol bete dezake kazetaritza independenteak?

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Ce que Maritza et Mawi retiennent de leur rencontre.

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Maritza meets Mawi ✨

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Day 11: funnest character to write.

i was gonna keep her secret, but i can NOT talk about this badass bruja.

Maritza is ABSOLUTELY the most fun! she's a strong, funny, independent boricua who, at one point, tries to throw hands with a goddess of death.

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All of the girls except for Maritza, since twitter only lets me post 4 images at once

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Petit doodle de Maritza pour ceux à qui elle manquait =v=

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Maria Jeritza in the eponymous role of Turandot in Giacomo Puccini's opera, which premiered in Vienna in 1926.

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Perso random & Maritza

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del 1925 va morir Ramon Pichot, un dels artistes amb qui més es va relacionar Santiago Rusiñol. Al tenim obres seves com aquestes:
‘Retrat de Santiago Rusiñol, caracteritzat com el Cavaller de la mà al pit dEl Greco’ (1897)
‘Bulevard de París’ (c. 1898)

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AZALA | Badator Zaintza gatazkaren erdigunera.

-ren erreportajea, -ren ilustrazioa.

Aldizkaria paperean edo PDFan jaso eta kazetaritza independentea bultza nahi baduzu, egin zaitez ARGIAkoa!

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1/2 🍶 Una de les novetats del Carnaval de l’entitat és la Botella de Carnaval, un recipient per beure la Manxada sense por a que la beguda s’ompli de plomes 🐓 Avui presentem la il·lustració 🎨 que caracteritzarà la botella, realitzada per .

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