Forgot to post Monday, but my came in the mail 2yrs to the day that my arrived

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We've graduated to shrieks and whimpers, so I'm going to start taking this seriously now.

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One of the many things I'm trying to finish asap 🙄;;;:


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“There was a time when our cages rang with wailing. Now only a handful of these whimpering fools remain.”
-Falkenrath Torturer

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*whimpers* I wanna be under a Nightwing too >//<

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Kafuu whimpers and moans loudly as you slam her up and down on your cock. "Ahhh! S-So good!"

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i keep forgetting to do sketches on watercolour paper b/c I'm never 100% sure if I wanna colour it ;A;

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2016-01-05: Not with a bang, but with a whimper

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*small whimpering* I blocked out the colours, now for details...

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“Lady,” she whimpered softly, wondering if she would meet her wolf again when she was dead.

-Sansa Stark

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(((Do not open this unless you're over the age of 839)))

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BARREL*hides behind whimpering*

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