I draw Zea with her favorite outfit, daster ! 💛💚🔸️

27 175

Am a lil late but congrats on 50k and the new outfit 🎉 🎉

8 95


13 190


15 150

Ah sebelum itu congrats zea udah 50k subscriber dan reveal costume baru sorry I haven't drawn the fanart yet, but I will also make the fanart after this.i hope you like it✨✨

6 105


7 120

Congrats for 50k and the new costume ZEAAAA!!!
I love your new looks so mudh >,<

12 155

Happy 50k subs and new costume ZEA~

...and now time to drop dead

5 55

ゼアちゃん50k++subs お め で と う !#ZEABajuBaru

61 420

My self challenge
Pandoru chibi

Day 1: Zea form Nijisanji ID

*Late post because i finish this at midnight X"D

2 53

Congratulations for the 50k subs ZEA!!🎉

14 163

Congratulations for reaching 50k milestone, ZEA Cornelia! titip simingit din PipcirnridZ still liv yi 💖🌽✨

6 77

Dipanggil ke ruang BK kenapa?

Niatnya nge charge malah nge buat listrik satu sekolah mati.

12 159

main main dengan pilox kyknya seru juga '3'
(sangad disayangkan tidak sesuai dengan rencana strim mereka. still good stuff tho)

15 215