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"Mort aux vaches!" à paraître chez , avec Recherche.

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A grump Mark, not so grump Bob, and Goddamnit Wade with a little extra Grumpy grump Warfstache. ENJOY! :D

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Last day at 1st attempt at gouache. What's next then? I heard a naughty rumour about

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Réactions des 12 signes du zodiaque quand vous découvrez qu'ils dorment encore avec leur ours en peluche...

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Just finished this gouache. Not yet signed as I must think it over.

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HQ Animal Sketches by Silly Beast Illustration http://t.co/4gkDgyIy7R Mind blowing and stunning HQ Animal Sketche...

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Mike Schmidt and his mustache.

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Art Mondays at Apache...tonight at 7...photography, drawing & music

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Los clarines del amanecer... a medianoche. Cap. 3, El Paraíso perdido.

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Buenas noches, en esto ando ahora espero terminarlo hoy en la noche.

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Дизайн персонажей и концепт-арты для Thor, режиссера Кеннета Брана.
Графический дизайнер Michael Kutsche.

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Have a Pinkie Pie with moustache. XD

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Petit fanart du dimanche...

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Check out this drawing of Loki supporting a mustache.

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, you're the only one posting on my feed. Here's a drawing of Dr Venture. With a mustache.

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Se andate al mare occhio, che bestie come questa stanno sott'acqua pronte a mordervi le natiche. Braaaauuuur.

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Daryl posing for a 3 hour painting with Holbiens Acrylic Gouache. I enjoy the color vibration that happened.

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Muuuuu. Più una canzone per tutte le mucche. http://t.co/vmDaUIJO

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Ancora vacche. Nel disegno e nel video. http://t.co/RqU5IfPI

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