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Linden Tree Blossom Botanical PRINT, Watercolor and pencil drawing. Green lime tree. Botanical art by Catalina S…

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Linden Tree Blossom PRINT Watercolor and pencil drawing, green lime tree. Botanical art by Catalina S.A by CATIL…

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Sea fennel plant drawing, Botanical PRINT plant watercolor drawing. Sea fennel, botanical art by Catalina. by CATIL…

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and back to the botanical drawings ...a summer plant (because it grows by the seaside)

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Linden blossom drawing, ORIGINAL watercolor and pencil drawing of Tilia, Lime tree botanical drawing by Catalina…

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Linden blossom drawing ORIGINAL watercolor and pencil art of Tilia, green Lime tree, botanical art by Catalina S…

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Chestnuts and Mushrooms drawing ORIGINAL watercolor and pencil still life, golden autumn botanical drawing by Catal…

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Apples PRINT of watercolor and pencil drawing, three green apples. Sizes a5, a4, a3. Botanical art by Catalina …

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Apples PRINT watercolor pencil drawing, green apples drawing. Botanical still life, fruits drawing by Catalina S…

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botanical Ver.藍くん



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ROBOTANICAL mini-series opening one week from tonight ! If you are out and about there is a great…

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Linden blossom - botanical watercolor ORIGINAL drawing, watercolor and pencil of Tilia Lime tree, by Catalina S…

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Autumn drawing, nuts and hop watercolor ORIGINAL botanical drawing. Chestnuts, Hop. Pencil & watercolor Botanical s…

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Conkers pencil drawing ORIGINAL chestnuts pencil drawing. Autumn still life, 8 x 11.5 inches. Botanical art by C…

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Golden pears II ORIGINAL watercolor drawing, fruits still life Botanical watercolour of pears by Catalina by CATILU…

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Conkers chestnuts pencil drawing, ORIGINAL pencil drawing. Autumn still life, 8 x 11.5 inches. Botanical art by …

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Mushrooms Original watercolor still life. Botanical drawing of mushrooms by Catalina by CATILUSTRE (100.00 EUR)

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Apples N.9. ORIGINAL black pencil drawing, wild apple art, a4 (8 x 11"). Botanical still life art by Catalina S.A b…

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Over 100 pages of beautiful Dutch botanical charts, dating from 1870-1960.

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