画質 高画質

NASA Releases New High-Definition View of Iconic ‘Pillars of Creation’ Photo http://t.co/TDqTKcGBv0

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Hubble’s stunning view of the iconic ‘Pillars of Creation’ http://t.co/qxqJcso4dH

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Simply beautiful -> 'View of the Alps From Space' http://t.co/nYkK7vrjJz

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View of the Alps From Space via NASA http://t.co/AquDVjfpo5

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quick Spaceship painting after watching

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quick Spaceship painting after watching

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NASA's ORION mission great success!

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A new age in space exploration! long live NASA!

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これから打ち上がる🚀オリオン試験機は、5800kmの高度に達し(ISSは約400km)、カプセルが地球に再突入🌏 4時間24分後にサンディエゴ沖に着水します。NASAの作った分かり易いイラスト解説👇前編

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"Former NASA employee" claims she saw 2 men in spacesuits on in 1979 via Viking lander http://t.co/bW8ElyjxQn

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NASA prediction model confirms Earth-directed hits early December 3. Expect GPS, issues +#aurora!

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Black Hole Friday via NASA http://t.co/owXTjKg18q

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This is rather sobering…
NASA animation shows year in the life of carbon emissions http://t.co/mlGb8kPQaZ

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