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Dragalia Lost - New Content and Updates (March 4):

* Manga: 76th chapter of Dragalia Life


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Daily Briefs (Feb. 14): Destiny Connect / Wizard's Symphony https://t.co/galwF9FhkB

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This important project in Yazd, Iran will preserve recently discovered manuscripts in including what may be the oldest Videvdād so far discovered (EAP1014): https://t.co/0rEnkY9MLl

Follow for updates on the online digital archive.

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Day 27 (-4): Favourite Kingdom Hearts game for gameplay

Kingdom Hearts 2 💪 I really like BBS too! Plus... 0.2 ✨

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eShop news (Jan. 24): Moe Chronicle Hyper / Nekopara Vol. 2 https://t.co/61y8Gs7Ozv

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Daily Briefs (Jan. 23, Round 4): Dragon Marked for Death / Aragami: Shadow Edition https://t.co/udNRTjDI8R

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(NEW GAME! 仕様)

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Fun Fact of the Day (#24): This dummy texture is used on the screens during the DJ Octavio fight, and it is seen if there aren't any in-game cameras being shown. The image is a screenshot of Callie standing on top of DJ Octavio's stage, which is partially embedded in the ground.

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Our weekly big list of kid lit links is up (Jan 4): https://t.co/oYVUpLzdbw Inside: picture book and novel craft tips, critique workshops & more. Thanks to for the illustration. YA and MG book giveaways by & .

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Our weekly big list of kid lit links is up (Nov. 14): https://t.co/z80GA0Q7aO Thanks to for the illustration! Inside: writing craft tips, indie publishing, more. Giveaways from & .

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Frosty Saves The Day(1954): Oh no! It looks like little Timothy got his kite stuck in a tree! Luckily Frosty is made of a malleable substance which can be reshaped on a whim to suit his needs! Will the town ever get enough therapy after witnessing the horrid things Frosty can do?

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Things That Happened In DnD (Part 14):

- Micaryn has never felt so happy and loved in his whole life up until this point.

ends this on a sappy note

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(Day 4): 7 photos in 7 days. No people, no description. I was nominated by . I nominate

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2018 (4): Estos son mis últimos trabajos a la fecha de esta publicación, King Dedede y Jigglypuff son para un colab de Smash que se publicará pronto, el furrito blanco es el personaje de una artista que me agrada mucho, el que queda es un sueño que tuve una vez.

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Wie Champions auch heißen könnten (4):
Die Bohnenprinzessin - "Meine Winde leiten Euch"

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2015 (4): Finalmente conseguí una tableta gráfica, aunque era una Genius, pero servía para empezar y era barata, ahí mis primeros dos dibujos con trazo en vez de "curve", obviamente no estaba acostumbrado con la presión.

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[Review US-Movie] The Incredibles (2004): Film Pixar yang Gamblang https://t.co/bSnRFBTXJ5

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