I actually had drawings for every single month... that's a first o_o

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2020 Art Summary
Did I improve? Not really
Did I draw abs? Yes...
Did I start simping Vtubers? Y-Yes.

I usually do this at the end of the year, but eh
also holy crap that's mostly Claude.

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Давно хотел сделать такую штуку х)
Так я сам хоть вижу что что-то всё же поменялось в моих рисовашках х)
Спасибо за то что помог слепить это :3
Мда, за этот год я замучал свой телефон с этим рисованием х)

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its that time again yall know how it be
i totally did not switch march n febuary
i also totally didnt speed run smth for december

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Holiday cheer
Only the cat seems to be having fun. The rest of us just want to wake up from 2020. Anyways, Christmas is next week and my holiday cheer is melting. :(

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My top 4 pieces of 2020! - Thank you for the tag !!!🧡🥰

I tag and idk who else everyone’s already done this 😂

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2020 art summary~ the biggest change is that i found me a way to shade a little prettier and less painfully

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2020 has been rough but it's okay 😔
still lots of great memories and doodles!

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is happening already...!😮
Despite the bad shoulder injury from late last year-Oct this year, I'm still happy with what I was able to make! I've been making up for it now that I've recovered!!

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It feels like it’s been 100 years since I drew some of this stuff

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No i have not drawn in december <3

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My 2020 Summary of Art! ٩(๑❛ワ❛๑)و❤
I hope I can have more time to draw more JayTim and BatFam next year! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✨
JayTim's literally one of the best things that happened to me in 2020 (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)🔥

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2020Arts Summary→(No)
2020LloydRandy Summary→(Yes)

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A meaningful and unique year ! And definitely a Hannigam\Mads year 😎😎

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Oh goodie, I saw some people on twitter compiling their favorite works so I guess it’s about a good time for me to “wrap up” 2020!
These are the works I’m the proudest of (in no particular order):

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