IF (that's a biiiig if) Batfleck gets an HBO Max series, just title it BATMAN and subtitle the first season "A Serious House on Serious Earth"

30 235

I told y'all already...Daddy Batfleck and BattinSON will fight together in 2021
i'm a visionary https://t.co/Y0HK9Spp4o

0 4

Here are a couple others I have. Red Sun (Since Bruce Timm did the art for that movie as well), CW Pollux, Captain Ameriflash, and a JLU inspired Batfleck

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Batfleck. Simplemente BATMAN.

85 365

I support Daddy Batfleck very much, but still can accept his BattinSON

11 49

Battinson’s Batmobile
Batfleck’s Batmobile

242 1259

Calling it now, is going to be a million times better than

0 1

Ben Affleck >>>>>>>> Every Batman ever...
Batfleck is perfect in everything acting,suit, action, and batmobile 🔥🔥♥️

28 221

Happy I really love Jared leto's joker and would have love to see him fight Affleck's Batman. It's disappointing he never had a real on screen rivalry with Batfleck. That would have been Epic.

Art by

5 16

I even feel sorry for BatBale!


Batfleck Vs BatBale

14 27