bingpup will follow not-shizun! bingpup promises to be a good pup!

235 957

ehehe~! thank you for not leaving bingpup!

217 907

*sniff* uuuu...bingpup can...? not-shizun won't leave bingpup...?

233 989

yes this bingpup will be more careful--!! eh--? not-shizun is leaving...?

170 886

eh?? bingpup is cute? ah-- scritches!! eeeeee 💖💖💖

250 1048

hm? these horseless carriages sure are getting faster...

146 752

this isn't qing jing....what are those strange structures....

139 810

*boop* let's go back to the peak, hm?

218 788

ahhhh, really so cute~! 💚💚💚

506 2084