I didn't know what to draw soooo i pulled the ultimate card of drawing just that!.
Not as good compared to my other stuff since I rushed it but it came out super cute *^*

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Hey there. How about some new trade art? Deal? Deal. As I said this is a custom for trade for UwU

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Collab-challenge with my friend. I like pizza. Do you guys like pizza? I think pizza is wonderful. Oh, about art... Enjoy that. :3

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Чет меня тут давно не было. Из-за школы арты будут еще реже, школа меня убивает :( ( а мне сдавать экзамены в этом году ) вообщем, пожелаем мне удачи, а вы любуйтесь Твиком

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Finally finished this one <:) at first i wanted to design a character specificly for the "bended" style but eventually decided to go with one character for both as you can compare them more easily

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Drawing of dolly. I keped changing my mind on how i should draw her hair since she has the before and after it was cut.

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another drawing of my oc doll. She's normally emotionless/ non expressive but she has a cute interest in dragons that make her giddy like a child.

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Hey-hey-hey, this is another fan art. Without line, guys. And this is Norman from The Promised Neverland. Do you like it? I like it. Enjoy.

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Another drawing of my oc doll. This is the 3rd in a row. She has two hair styles this one and the long one.

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Another day, another pony. Its Rainbow Dash without line, fellas. Why? Because I can. Enjoy.

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Another pack of scatchy arts. Enjoy, my imaginary followers.

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Yes, another trade. Yes, from my VKontakte community. Yes, its cute snake. Enjoy.

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