I had been putting this one off for so long...my Circle of Stars Druid. He's a half moon elf half drow, and is a very calm and solemn man. He's a king, and a better one then his father was. I am workshopping names ( Aster, Thrasyllus, Venatici,Sterling )

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I drew my D&D 5e character Jawbone!
He's a demon druid. Fear his shillelagh and slightly-demonic wildshapes!

He always wants to know more about nature, and he's ALWAYS hungry.

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I’ll start! This is . She is an elf moon Druid. Quite introverted with abandonment issues and VERY slow to trust. Trying to suppress a rising darkness. Favorite past times: keeping up with her journal and wild shaping into a Sabre toothed tiger or Quetzalcoatlus.

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I drew my own rendition of one of my brother's D&D characters, Rowan. He is a mousefolk druid.

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Alright my warmup for the past few days is done.
My Ark RP character named Ceilia Vanin (Cici for short) in the Armoire Life server. A cat folk druid.
I've really enjoyed getting back into RP and playing her!

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Time to lay her down to rest. After that TPK, I guess I should do one last bust (for now) for my druid. She was a good blaster. A bit disappointed I didn't level up enough to fly!

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These are our heroes, Octavia Marguerite Sinclair and Karhun Ussirius.

Octavia is an Aasimar herbalist and a druid. Karhun is an elven scholar and is mean with an axe.

Art by the amazing

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St..strawbe..strawberri firbolg.. druid..

(If anyone is interested in purchasing this character design, im willing to part with her for 40$)

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This is my Elandrin elf druid. Elendriel Bersk just wants to help her forest spirit friends.

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My latest, Zealot: the Tiefling Druid. Last Saturday I played as a PC for the first time and it was everything I ever wanted.

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〔 D&D Art | Yarrow Ackerman 〕

Been wanting to touch up an old oc (same og world as Artie and Roamer!) for D&D!

Yarrow is good for modern/futuristic games, and is a "professional" free runner, graffitti artist and memer. She collects buttons n pins. Some kinda druid.

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Daily of August 21st

I need to draw something other than lions, and keep practicing anthros to shave off time. So drew a badger druid. This is something of an attempted pose redraw of an older piece, not sure I've improved 😅

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My vision of a Draenei druid. Check the concept evolution and progress on the link below: https://t.co/j40RqMeTX9

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horrible grouchy assassin & heart of gold dumbass druid...... the boys 😭💖 art by @/oooocleo on tumblr!!

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just thinkin abt my tiefling druid.......i love him

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D&D character creation is an excellent way of practicing character design! This is Helga Grimm, the Woods Witch. In gameplay terms she is a circle of the moon druid.

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A commission I made for someone who paid me and ask me to just draw anything I want so I draw my D&D chara

Prithvi Quercus, High elf druid. And Mud, some random lil Kobold tagging along with her

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It took me over a year, and one complete redesign, but I finally got around to finishing this artwork of Phelios, my dorky mage --who wishes he was a druid.

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