Next up: Lucifer, the prince of hell, surrounded by lesser devils. Are they breathing fire or spitting blood?

MS. Douce 134, fol. 98r:

9 30

A king languishes in a pool of fire and brimstone.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 87r:

9 25

The lecherous are punished with your standard pit of fire, courtesy of delicately shaded devils.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 86r:

7 29

The wrathful are stabbed and stoned by devils who look rather like dragons and stone gargoyles respectively.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 84r:

7 16

The envious, meanwhile, are punished by devils with pitchforks and alternating ice and fire baths.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 83v:

6 12

Here, the souls of the proud and vainglorious are broken on a wheel by a devil straight out of Where the Wild Things Are.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 83r:

9 24

Next, the sinners and devils are accused, judged and, according to Christ's speech scroll on fol. 76r, sentenced to "depart cursed into the eternal fire".

MS. Douce 134, fols. 74r, 75r and 76r

3 13

...but our favourite is this one, where Lucifer, flanked by devils, is judged by Christ, who sits on a rainbow. Count Lucifer's heads.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 67v

13 42

After the Antichrist dies, the 15 signs of the Last Judgment follow (we covered these last week). Then, finally, it's time for the main event, featuring trumpets and a spectacular hellmouth.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 50v:

8 24

Next: the death of the Antichrist, whose soul is immediately taken by the devil.

MS. Douce 134, fol. 36r:

11 28

Having infiltrated Jerusalem, the Antichrist presides over scenes of torture. Content warning: graphic violence. [MS. Douce 134, fol. 30r]

7 22


51 208


Germany, Hamburg, before 1381
MS M.892.3 fol. 001r

43 180

Falling stars, Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur, France ca. 1450-1470 (Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 134, fol. 47r)

132 305

Cats. Stealing our yarn since the dawn of time...

From the Beaupre Antiphonary Vol. 1, W.759, fol. 169r. See the entire amazing book here:

35 89

Bohemian Illuminator (Prague)
The Martyrdom of Saint Maurice and the Theban Legion
Bohemia (1402)
Illumination on Parchment, 460 x 230 mm.
Martyrology (129 fols.), fol. 94 sup v , left border, second medallion from top: Martyrdom of St. Maurice and the Theban Legion.

10 37

has dozed off in the heat. He boasts a slightly porcine curly tail & terrific tusks. Caption: Elephant inscribed SPODIUM I(D EST) ELEPH(ANTU)S. Source: Compendium Salernitanum. Italy, possibly Venice, 1350-137; M.873 fol. 80r.

15 40

Boars going wild, Gaston Phébus, Livre de la chasse, France c. 1415 (Chantilly, Musée Condé, 367 [480], fol. 13v)

33 136

Cats, 'The Ashmole Bestiary', England 1201-1225 (Bodleian Library, MS. Ashmole 1511, fol. 35v)

115 310

Pretty small illumination (Apostle Paul with Women) from a of Zikmund from Domažlice, written 1419 in (#NationalLibraryCZ VIII A 8, fol. 458r)

3 8