Torpedo, my alpha garchomp. Pretty sure he wants to eat me. But in the mean time, he's happy to claw the eyes out of all the other little critters we come across.

.... . .-.. .--.

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One big garchomp
Commission for

397 1731

Ty for the chance! My favorite is Garchomp :D!

0 0

Date- Metagross, Pyroar, Garchomp

2 7

Got inspired by seeing n her fav Mon. Love my sweet horrifying jet shark son ❤💛

18 114

Some silly pictures of my Salamence (Green Bean) deleting Cynthia's Garchomp. proud

1 9

Siempre me imagine lo cómodo que debe ser estar acostado encima de una Typhlosion.
Nota:en realidad, ella no sabe leer, solo le gustan las imágenes del libro.
Este es un dibujo que hice para , que me dedicó una Garchomp, espero te guste.

10 87

I tried pokemon Unite recently, and it's the first time I learned about Garchomp's existence, and it's my kind of pokemon (Pokemons I really like are Lugia, Scyther, Totodile, Mewtwo, Mew, Charizard, etc.)😍.

Is Garchomp in Pokemon Legends: Arceus? I hope he is!

0 15

Darren (Garchomp) : My lower abdomen may be a good view. But not as better as you ass. ~💕
Kallin (Sceptile) : 💢

3 11

garchomp: the strong big sister 💪💥

145 977

"Its disposition is more vicious than before its Mega Evolution. Mad with rage, it rampages on and on. Its arms and wings melted into something like scythes. Garchomp carves its opponents up with the scythes on both arms." - Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon Mega Garchomp Dex entries

3 6

just learned that cynthia talks about little backstories of her kommo-o & garchomp in pkmn masters

I had to doodle them out i love them

613 3086

The beta Garchomp line is so cool, would've been nice to see a reference to it as Hisuian Garchomp compared to regular Garchomp

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My mindset hasn't changed in the slightest. Before and after i learned about competitive, Garchomp still go brrrrrr

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Trying out a new chibi style with Cynthia and Garchomp from

17 30