mega gallade from memory. i miss my shiny

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Pokemon legend arceus... Lucas looks so cool with gallade on the trailer.

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8 Favorite Mega Evolution)
Mega Gallade

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8. Favorite Mega Evolution: The easy answer is Absol because its my favorite. However i do have a soft spot for mega gallade and gardevoir.

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Quote this Tweet and post of picture of your DnD Character with a picture of a Pokemon they would use if they were a Pokemon Trainer!


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13.- favorite rival: Wally
He shows that perseverance can make us be a better person/trainer, no matter what (also he is adorable and has a Gallade) u//u ❤️

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8. My favorite mega evolution... oh what a hard choice!! I'm gonna exclude Blaziken bc that's cheating-- So I would say Gallade!! He looks like a handsome prince....!!

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Quick last tweet! Show me your OC and their signature Pokemon if they were to have one! Here's my Guilty Gear OC Kamelot and his would be Gallade in Paladin form and Bisharp in Hell Knight form!

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Drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer

If not red I would've chosen Guzman and if not gallade, I would've chosen Staraptor but idk, I've trained a lot over the years.

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drop your first game, your favorite game, your favorite pokémon, and your favorite trainer✨

Gallade and Iris need more love btw.

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First game
Favourite game (threw in both X and Y because why not)
Favourite Pokemon (We Gallade now, folks!)
Favourite trainer (It's Game!Serena hours)

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Bringing back one of my old favorites! If you've seen this piece of mine before, thank you for sticking around so long 🥺

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Gardevoir, Gallade, Kirlia and Ralts


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13. mega gallade achilles!

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1 day left for valentines day, decided to make this art for my girlfriend since she like gardevoir as well, probably i gonna be a little busy on February 14th, just wanted to show this lovely art [feliz dia dos namorados beatriz]

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