My take on 's Kanna and Laineth. Both are the spiciest of the bunch, aye.
Commissioned work. posted with permission.

4 25

As a decade of austerity policies continue to bite, ’s online opera created remotely will share the real-life experiences of disabled people in the UK.

Catch it next Friday at

5 9

The poster "Let Us Concentrate All Our Efforts on Implementing the 5-year Plan for National Economic Development!" calls for laying solid foundations for revitalizing the overall economy and decisively improving the people's standard of living by implementing the Party policies.

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7) Arthur Boyd – Bride series 1956 - 59 - Social activist series in response to race relations in Australia, especially laws banning inter-racial marriage and racially codified policies.

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He doesn't really have a speicies, but he can very well be a cat. TwT

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my spiciest character not even that spicy

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Jacquet compensa la apariencia calculada de sus composiciones arquitectónicas con colores brillantes y una variedad intrigante de superficies que van desde aguas cristalinas hasta cascos oxidados y descascarados de barcazas, tema en el que trabaja últimamente.

9 129

Another George Soros-funded DA who presides over a city with skyrocketing crime. These numbers are a direct result of Krasner's pro-criminal, anti-law enforcement policies.

6 3

Nunca he visto a nadie que lo hiciese así que
✨Me (más o menos) VS my role character✨

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改めて…あけましておめでとうございます🙇🎍ことしもALICE IN MENSWEARに全力❤️💙注いでいきたいと思います💪✨aliciesもそうじゃないみんなもよろしくね🥳

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Otros temas recurrentes de esta pintora norteamericana incluyen tazas de té, ramos de flores, textiles, peceras, frutas y verduras, caramelos o superficies espejadas.

Aunque una no sea mucho de bodegones...¡Me maravilla Janet Fish!

Confío en que os haya interesado.

10 74

Cada vez somos más los visitantes al mundo mágico de Fenrai. Si aún no lo conoces, te compartimos un fragmento para que inicies la travesía >

6 61

ok dont talk to me about literally anything in this but this is the spiciest art i will ever accomplish in my life

11 78

oh damn. i wasnt expecting goverment conspericies in this lmao

also uhm. sorry for the post spam. im kinda enjoying this show and someone asked for my updates :P

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As that summer went on, the crises kept compounding, and we haven’t stopped covering them. We worked with top journalists to cover Trump's first term. This ↓ is a good place to catch up on some of the immigration policies Biden promises to roll back.

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YouTube channel monetization policies are really special.

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🇪🇸¡No todo es pintar superficies rígidas y duras o piel! Con nuestra guia paso a paso vas a dominar la TECNICA DE COMO PINTAR Visita este link y desgargala e imprimela ¡No te lo pierdas!

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Creo que lo más guay que me ha pasado en 2020 es sin duda que gente tan talentosa como y me hiciesen estas pedazo de ilustraciones

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