Everyone knows has two endings. Recently, researchers have discovered a third:

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Nature誌によると今年の蝗害 (群生バッタの大量発生)、ケニア→中東→インド・パキスタンの大行進で、群れの大きさが2400km^2超えるものもあってニューヨークの3倍の面積らしい。規模がすごすぎるな

Why gigantic locust swarms are challenging governments and researchers https://t.co/wwFPHNlcaN

53 63

Want to help scientists understand galaxies far, far away? ✨ Participate in this project from home!

Museum researchers developed an easy way to accurately measure winding arms of spiral galaxies. Read the research & help: https://t.co/OrlxcPhkUa

2 9

no.4 Sea lions can dance to a beat. Researchers at UC Santa Cruz trained Ronan, a rescued California sea lion, to bob along to a variety of musical genres, making her the first mammal (besides humans) to respond to rhythm.


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Researchers at are developing a way to improve wind turbine efficiency by 10-20% using a second smaller rotor in front of the main one to capture wind that would otherwise be lost to the hub.

7 48

Applications are open to study Landscape Architecture MA/MLA at The Bartlett. Work with landscape architects, researchers and built environment professionals to inform your creative design practice.
Apply now👇

4 12

I had a dream last night that paranormal researchers discovered a feral dude who tries to maul anything alive

19 80

Happy to those scientific researchers unafraid to pursue the depths of zoological discovery... even if it unleashes prehistoric apex predators. by & 🦈https://t.co/fn6u4l21Qm

0 2

Thought to be locally for 22yrs, the rediscovered scarce yellow sally stonefly prompted researchers to use sampling to discover new populations. Organisms are constantly leaving behind DNA traces, like genetic ghosts.🧬👻🔎My of the S.Y.S.S. nymph:

8 26

🍀🕯️🍀What really happened to start this? The fits? The community, beleaguered with hardships already, then overreacted. Another more disturbing theory proposed by researchers like behavioral psychologist Linnda Caporael suggests that Salem suffered from 1/

1 0

Using research-informed pedagogy means you are not alone.

You're working with the 100s of researchers, leaders & practitioners who care about what could work in your classroom!

24 50

Calling researchers & creative writers, journal is wondering 'what do you look for in a journal?' Consider taking this 5 min survey to help them create a fantastic resource for everyone in the field...


3 3


shell. the oil company who's researchers predicted global warming long before the general public realized it. but kept investing in polluting fuels.🙃

the company that is atm on a marketing spree to show the world how "green" they are. (they're not) 🙄

1 5

5000+ researchers have told us how they feel. We'd like to hear from you.

Take this global survey on mental health in academia: https://t.co/hK5b7utvID

47 155

👍To coincide with National University Mental Health Day 🧠 5th March, there'll be over 40 sessions covering a wide variety of topics around wellbeing that doctoral researchers & staff are invited to.

Full details & timetable 👉 https://t.co/zJ9evNGnRr

1 3

Himalayan wolf lopes towards recognition as distinct species https://t.co/qU0W2WbQ9j
Animal’s unique adaptation to low-oxygen life can be basis for protection, say researchers

25 67

Not just anybody should do 🚫Gaining for the user must be part of the process & everyone on the team should participate. User feedback is essential – but what happens to it in the hands of non-researchers? https://t.co/ThJ9fyB2TT via

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Darren Naish [] review on EoFauna's researchers Theropods book.
"I can say right out of the gate that this 2019 work is one of the most spectacular dinosaur-themed works that has ever seen print."
EoFauna | Publications

12 52

My autism

My choice

‘Fish in jelly’ not ‘fish in gravy’ please

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btw, first complete 3D imaging of the clitoris wasn't done until 2009, by French researchers Dr. Odile Buisson & Dr. Pierre Foldès

it had been reported on since 1844, but not "proven"

has a good one on this https://t.co/egrnSYvRKD

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