Two gemsonas (characters based off of Steven Universe): sisters Sunstone and Moonstone

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how is my sunstone webcomic reading audience today? :P

30 239

let's get to work! sunstone time

no, diana! i said sunstone!

119 373

My revamped Sunstone

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Ok Ch.5 it's just you & me! *pops knuckles* Let's go!Also shout out to Stjepan Šejić &his comic Sunstone

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[WIP] I never designed my gemsona before??? So here is a tiny doodle to get the idea out?? This is Sunstone! :0

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I love sunstone but maaybe reading at work with the shrink walking near my desk wasn't the best idea

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Meet Rimbles, a sunstone lynx kit. She's one of Freydolf's living statues.

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Gems Sunstone and Carnelian (fusion with 's Rhodochrosite! / v \)

11 33

anne is all like FUCKING PERIMETER BREACH!!!!!!

sunstone volume 4

13 81

it's interesting what 3 years did for my understanding of facial expressions and body language
sunstone vol4

87 321

I'm pretty sure this isn't the last time I'll draw Lisa and Ally fanart from for

185 1200

My dumb space rocks that make up my gemsona—newly named (Imperial) Topaz! Citrine and Sunstone (Sunny for short) uvu

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mine and steves gemsonas, citrine and sunstone haha

just regular clothes because lazy

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New artwork for sale! - "The Sunstone-Back Cover" -

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