piko in soras natural outfit uwu

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two versions. One w blood the other normal. id explain the context but im just about to sleep and i cant bw bothered. all u need to know is that hes possessed by a plant demon

also i got lazy so this art is very lazily done

8 29

man with his guitar.

Ibis was being laggy so no shitty bg this time uwu

also yes i used a ref for the guitar because they are SO HARD TO DO MY GOD. and the model is an rgx a2 by yamaha if u didnt notice 👀

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cant decide the context for this.

At first it was smth like they be going to a party but.. now its more boss and secretary vibes.. or even con man and assistant... all work

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a small piko i finished earlier today.

welp i feel awful but i have so much work i need to do so i guess ill die

4 18

cant decide whether i like the eye bleeding filtered version or the dull original so have both
Ngl this didnt turn out like i wanted but the background is not that bad prbly?? (Having to use ibis paint and autodesk sketchbook was a pain in the arse tho :/

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piko as one of my favourite miku modules uwu.

probs missed some details but im lazy so uwu

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trying out chibis again

but nyway i love them i love them i love them sm gv jvn hbb cv

12 30

boi likes flowers what can i say

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i know i said i had artblock but im dying of boredom and im too impatient to be waiting for co op rooms in Dreamy Vocal. so have quick doodle
I also realised that i only ever draw piko in skirts/dresses/short shorts and i dont know how to feel bout that h

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i would give my everything for this man. even my cats.

w-well regardless \\\\ have two quick doodles and a shading test i did a while ago that i fucking hate.
And no im not cropping the doodles im lazy (also my chibi style is sucky sooo)

5 23

used piko as a shading test. dunno if i'll keep this colouring style but i do plan to at least work on it more

8 19

Heheh hola OwO aqui hay unos dibujos todos tontos que hice el dia de hoy: miku, miki y piko. Nada interesante

PD: el piko de al final esta solo imaginando cuando le propongan matrimonio

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