i call them the "field trip with grandpa" team,

aka my genshin a-team...! im building up barbara as my dps bc why not and guoba+oz+hydro= ultimate pain. zhongli's just here for his shield LMAO

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It's was Venti's fault, I don't know anything 🥺
(Zhongli's true form is a dragon but since the gods can transform into any shape, Venti - after drunk with old friend - enticement Morax transform into two chibi spirit to hang out

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This has been on my mind since I watched zhongli's pv

1 3

Genshin Impact - Disgrace

After all those years Venti can finally claim Xiao and rub it Zhongli's face

11 66

Mihoyo has confirmed Zhongli's rebalance!

Here's the Tl;dr version of what we may see after 1.3 version.

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finally done this!!!!!!!!!! Now I have Zhongli's peaches for myself 🤩🤩

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staring at mr zhongli's exposed waist

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In my opinion, Ningguang probably has the best look in Genshin. Though I do like Zhongli's design just as much. All characters look nice though, really!

3 13

call me old fashioned but i was raised to SERVE Zhongli. cook for him, do his laundry, clean after him, fold his clothes. Zhongli's needs come FIRST. if he cheats? that’s on me!! if he caught me slipping then i will apologize and do better

3 10

i'm 8 hours away from getting Zhongli's gorgeous self in my team

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I wanna get under zhongli's coat tails

1 45

I was bored yesterday so I doodled Zhongli's eye. It's... scarily pretty.

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i tried to recreate Genshin boyband's eyes and hhhmm as I thought, Zhongli's is my personal favorite.. and second one is Kaeya's

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childe: zhongli's personal wallet

67 310

Mining party!💎⛏️
Pressing Zhongli's "E" is so satisfying...

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Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax/Zhongli's pocket

2 11

i love this bug when Zhongli's hair is shining constantly instead of doing it only after using abilities :D

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"Please do tell me if you want to request something, okay?"
"Haha, I'll be on your care."

based on my co-op with Yam... ZhongliKeqing.... 🥺🥺 Keqing fixing Zhongli's hair...... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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