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My mom saw Agumon on TV and shouts with her whole chest, “Fuck em up Charizard!”


14 144

*Huffs like a Charizard*
*Puffs like a Dragonite*

1 6

Cousin wants a Charizard profile pic and I sketched out a full body. Y'all got any input to throw at me; does it look ok, anything I can probably fix? I might change the arms and see if there's anything else I can do to improve this. I could always just sketch out more ideas tho.

13 107

"Silvally can turn into a type super effective against mega charizard x!!!"

Silvally after one blast burn (it became a fairy type)

0 1

And now for my take on a Fem-Charizard! Another good one I did way back when @.@

24 97

In a surprising landslide victory, Charizard is our winner!

as always suggest future matchups in the replies below

6 18

Nov 01, 2014. By: ryanisonfire
[8 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Good battle, thanks Charizard!"

0 0

These are my Top 3 Best Pokémon Anime Battles.

Leon's Charizard vs Ash Pikachu
Sawyer's Mega sceptile vs Ash - Greninja
Paul's Electivire vs Infernape

3 17

Day 680 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Charizard Y

Mega evolution and the bond with its trainer are the source of its power. Its flying speed rivals those of jet fighters.

1 13

Also Wooloo doing a Charizard face is my comfort Pokémon persona I use it as my other alt’s pfp heheheoheoho I love it so much

twilight wing’s Wooloo was so good

1 8

Day 680 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Charizard X

The power of this particular Mega Evolution changed Charizard to its very core, granting it the strength of legendary dragons.

4 21

Absolutely loving these clashes between Charizard and Pikachu 🔥⚡

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"The Boy With A Dragon"

Congratulations, Ash! You finally did it!

5 21

id die for this charizard shit

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