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Lyonel Feininger
Study, on the Cliffs (early attempt at cubist form), 1912

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Photography © Andreas Feininger

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[repost because im.very insecure also I forgot to tag her last time] :’) Einin (w/out eyes lmao) and snake

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😌😌 Einin gal :) can someone tell me why I get SO anxious when trying to tweet my art on here, oh my god

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Portfolio: „Karikaturen“ von der Steininger https://t.co/dNGzzFe49E

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Congrats to & on being selected for the 38th winners for projects! Hancock's illustration was translated into ceramic mosaic & tile for station, while Steininger’s art card appears in subway cars around NYC.

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Lyonel Feininger (Americano, 1871 – 1956)
Data: 1930

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Toni Schneiders, Andreas Feininger, Aubrey Bodine y Mario de Biasi

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Weininger: “Kara bulutlar aydınlığı örterler. Sonsuzluk onları sarıp sarmalayıp bağrına basar.”

Türkdoğan: "Sevincin karanlığında yayılan bir şehvetin hüznün dalgalarında vücut bulması: Nedir ki varoluş? Ölüme dek kendini bir kemiriş."

(Paul Dardé / Eternal Pain)

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Untitled [Five Figures]
Lyonel Feininger
German, November 1933

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➡️Victoire de Kent, Hayter, 1835
➡️Victoire et Victoria, future reine
➡️par Winterhalter
Victoire de Saxe-Cobourg-Saalfeld (1786-1861)
1er mariage 1803 avec É. de Leiningen. 2 enfants : Charles et Théodora.
1818 épouse duc de Kent, fils de Georges III. Devient Duchesse de Kent.

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