Well, turn out I did get COVlD :)

But in a weird way, it's kinda a big help because without getting it, I'll probably can't finish this in time due to work, plus I'm triple shot so it felt less than a flu.

So, I'll keep you guys update on the result.

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Caught some kind of a monster flu this week... Have some OCs while I recover. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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when you're a tired middle aged father and your husband suddenly got the flu so now you're making some soup for him with your hyperactive kid

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I have the flu and my nose hurts. I'll take some pills and sleep for a while... after finishing 3 linearts and 2 colored ones.

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While I've been destressing from work and dealing with the flu I played Earthbound on the Switch. Never had the chance to play it before so this was a new experience. It's a good game and something I'd recommend checking out. It's weird, quirky, and very humorous.

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GM everyone, stay safe and healthy
I got some flu but idk its covid or not 😅

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As embarrassed as I am to admit, I got sick again this week, with the flu this time. I’m feeling a bit better today (like I can get out of bed and eat solid food again).

Sorry for being quiet about it.

After last week, I couldn’t handle being hit by another setback…

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Emma is home sick today. I hope it’s not the flu that’s been running rampant at her school.

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I won't be able to post much new artwork this week while we spend our time quarantined, but here's Winsor McCay's cartoon about the 1918 flu pandemic (image source is the ever amazing ) and an enemy sprite we're basing off of it to tide you over...

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I have been doing good! I hope your assignments and flu weren’t too crushing :3

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aw no, feel better soon ! ^^ I had it a couple months back and it felt much like a flu I had the previous week, so I hope yours doesn’t get too bad ! <3 Hang in there king ^^

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I honestly haven't watched the Olympics (I've been sick with the flu, but that's not the reason...just haven't been into it this year, and that's on me). I DO know, however, the joy you bring to others. I hope things change so you can continue your Olympic commentary.

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Yo let's go~! Glad to hear the flu has come and gone! Hopefully the weather stays reasonable, been raining lots where I'm at but thankfully no ice!

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I may be stuck at my father's house for a few days. I believe he has come down with the Flu.
High fever, loss of appetite, fatigue. Dry mouth?

Am I right?

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I over slept again. This flu can bite me.

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Get well soon, mate. Flu sucks!

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Egon Schiele (1890-1918) was famed for his paintings of contorted human figures, but it is much less well known that he was also a very fine landscape painter.
Schiele died three days after his wife, at age 28, during "the Spanish flu pandemic".

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Ive had a vanilla flu this year already and finally got booster yesterday to keep safe, which has thrown me back into a fever.
Darn it I got the thing to not get sick ~_~

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Bila ada gejala spt flu, segera istirahat dan isolasi mandiri selama 5 hari. Tidak harus tes Covid dan tidak harus minum obat antivirus bila hanya gejala ringan, tidak ada komorbid. Konsumsi makanan bernutrisi. Jangan cemas dan panik. Bila dibutuhkan bisa manfaatkan telemedisin.

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