" CA TE POSE PROBLÈME ENCULÉ D'HOMOPHOBE " le mec fait 40kg il me cherche jpp

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Oh wait you're not a homophobe, my bad, tee hee 😊

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Happy Pride month!!

Pinto el Gato loves you and wants you to tell homophobes to fuck off.

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elle a vraiment dit silence homophobe

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fuckit. if ur a lesbian or a gay man drop a ref and i will try to throw u a sketch (about like this). it doesn't make up for all the bullshit that lesbophobes and homophobes in our own community decided to throw out this pride month but its what i've got and ily guys

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HEYO! I’m Retro, and I love my friends and , I hate bigots (including TERFS, trans/homophobes, racists, etc), and I love Vaporwave!!!

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fuck it rainbow squirrel to piss off homophobes

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hey you. can you mind your own business??? homophobe.

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「An AU where HQ!! Characters never played volleyball but met each other in a MMORPG game called HQ!!」

Note: this is a BL fic so homophobes can leave rn😔👌

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tokyo revengers au where taiju is a drag queen instead of a homophobe 💜

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Hi! I'm Lubbiz, I'm an Norwegian furry artist and fursuiter. I haven't posted much art here yet, but I'll try to do better in the future! :) OH! And pedofiles, zoofiles, homophobes, transphobes and racists can f-off!

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She ra movie because I want to upset more homophobes 💕💕#SheRaMovie

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🏳️‍⚧️ Follow
🏳️‍🌈 Like And Retweet
🏳️‍⚧️ Drop Ref Below with Sexuality or Gender Preferance
🏳️‍🌈 No MAPS, Nazi's, Transphobes, Homophobes, or Meanies
🏳️‍⚧️ Please be patient for i do not have a lot of free time

7 7

Welcome! I'm Grim! Im an artist and a gamer!

I do NOT support:
- Pedophiles
- Zoophiles
- Transphobes
- Homophobes
- Racists
- and anyone else who is inhumane and/or gross!

th - https://t.co/mVP5261WKg
yt - https://t.co/mJpLbcgcAz

My fursona (Ref made by ):

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Audkyrie says fuck terfs
And racists
And homophobes

And general twats tbh

Audkyrie stans human rights

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1/? Je ne ferais que ce jour ci pour présenter un des 2 héros de mon histoire ClairObscur, James, 17ans, qui, au début de l'histoire, s'estime gay après être sorti brièvement avec un camarade, mais qui lui a valu d'être écarté de sa famille par son père, homophobe, (👇suite) https://t.co/ZENdY3WSR9

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But guys, I mean-
These are from the official artwork and we still have homophobes in our fandom?
We still have brats like that in our fandom? Like wtf

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Simple use when you find out a furry is a rancid bigot, be it a racist, a transphobe, homophobe, etc.

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