Kamen America, is finally done!

Late Happy Independence Day and Happy Birthday Carly! (Nine days since July 4th)

Went for Padoru style after not being satisfied with my first try which looks very similar to another fanart...

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ガチモードです( ゚д゚)🍜

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Sharing this awesome fan art of Kamen America by my friend Battle Frame Studios.

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Shooting for the stars, every day.

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18 58

夏です 暑いです まだ夏祭りは来ないけど
夏絵を~ KAMENAMERICAの仮面ラーメンの
HappySummer 暑中見舞い

13 31


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no one is ever safe from wardrobe malfunctions, not even our dear luckily she has… co-heroes willing to give her some help. art done by the awesome . https://t.co/AypAZW54Oa

8 19

夜中に筆が乗ってしまい謎のパロディを生産してしまった。マナティー… https://t.co/FhRclRhdAK

23 55

7月4日はアメリカ合衆国独立記念日であると同時に、仮面アメリカ、カーリーことCHARLOTTE VANDERS嬢の誕生日であるとのことでしたので。大急ぎのイラストですが…!

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kamen Americaことカーリーちゃんお誕生日おめでとうございマース!

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Loving all the Posting on Carly's Birthday.

Super wholesome, and a good indicator on how much of an impact Carly and the rest of the Kamen Corps had in the span of about 3 years.

Happy 4th everyone!

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So I get to celebrate the birth of my new favorite comic character along with all this freedom? I'll raise a burger to that! 🍔🍺
America posting continues

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Happy 4th of July amigos!

to celebrate here are 2 American heroes: John Adams & Carly Vanders. John was the greatest man of his time & he established the USA's legitimacy. Carly is a superhero made by & , a new All-American icon.

16 57

Well, I can't celebrate American Independence Day because, you know, I'm Russian.
I can celebrate Kamen America's birthday!
May she help the weak, may she not demand gratitude!
Long life beauty!

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