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Rainbow Dash: NO body adventures!

Lachlan: Aww...! *mumbles* So mean...

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Lachlan: I think so... *he puts a little pressure on his sore (left) foot* OW!! *his shout really made Unikitty worried*

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Lachlan: It’s my ankle... I think that bite did more than I thought. It’s really stinging! Agh...

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Lachlan: *limping, growls in pain* Agh...!!

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*Thorax leads the way, walking into the large cavern opening as Unikitty and Lachlan slowly followed him inside*

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Lachlan: *limping* Listen girls... Rainbow Dash and the others... Starlight and Trixie... Discord... they all got captured because of me. I’m not gonna risk losing anyone else to Chrysalis, so please... please stay out here with Gilda and Gabby.

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Lachlan: *whines happily as Twilight pets him*

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Lachlan: *he looks down, feeling sad*

Celestia: *looks too Lachlan with a sweet motherly smile*

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Lachlan: *whew* That’s better!

Pony Life Pinkie Pie: He’s certainly learned that choice wasn’t so bold! Next, he tried the yellow cake, BRRRR, but it was too cold!

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Lachlan: *giggling* If I had a bit for every time you say that, I’d be richer than Diamond Tiara and her family!

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Lachlan: *sigh* The games I play sure are fun and they never end, but what the fun is really missing is a friend.

Pony Life Pinkie Pie: *narrating* And as he wondered where he could find a buddy, he looked to the top of a hill and saw a comfy cubby. (House)

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Pony Life Pinkie Pie: *she grabs a huge book of fairy tales* What story would you like me to read?

Pony Life Lachlan: Ooh! Goldipup and the Three Ponies!

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Pony Life Lachlan: I can’t sleep... can you read me a bedtime story, pleeeaaase? 🥺

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Pony Life Lachlan: *wakes Pony Life Pinkie Pie up* Pinkie Pie...?

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Lachlan: *he tries to think of how they can help, but he can’t think of anything*

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Lachlan: It’s my ankle. *grunt* It hurts more than earlier...!

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*as Gilda and Thorax searched for the entrance, Unikitty, Gabby and the crusaders tended to Lachlan who looked more hurt than they realised*

Lachlan: *winces* Agh...!

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*after a few minutes of slow walking (because of Lachlan limping), they make it to the base of the tallest mountain in the gloomy red dimension they’re in*

Thorax: There’s a secret entrance I used to escape from the other changelings, it’s around here somewhere...

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Angel: *nods and pats Lachlan’s foot, meaning “It’s all good”*

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Lachlan: Still, it’s GROSS!! I do NOT want any living being in my stomach!

Angel: *unamused*

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